The Time She Turned Three. Already

E is our little. And by little, I mean that she is not big. We have 7, 5 and 3, so they’re all, technically, little. Sorta. But we call the other two – K and M – our “bigs” because, well, they’re big.

K is 90th percentile in height. M is taller than K was when HE was 5. So they’re big kids. And they’re on track to stay big.

E is our peanut.

We call her our “monkey,” but I hear that from a few families. She, like all 3 of our kids, has multiple nicknames. And she’s earned them all.

But E is our special gift. Our surprise we never really knew we needed. Cuz sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need, as the old song goes.

We were pretty much used to four before E came. M was such a tough little baby. She nearly drove us crazy. So when we found out we were pregnant with E, there was that moment of panic.

Do we have enough? Can we juggle 3? What about zone vs. man-to-man?

And she came. And she was so EASY.

There have been tough moments, sure. She can scream and yell with the best of ’em. But E is not her brother or sister. And she lives up to that “magic” status that sometimes gets associated with those who have more than two kids.

And so she is 3. Already.

Time flies when your monkey’s havin’ fun.

Sprinkler Day (10)

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